CDL DMP Online Tool

For those of you following the reactions from the NSF decision to require a 2 page document on how researchers plan to manage data in relation to their grant proposals, you might already be familiar with the online tool developed by the UK Digital Curation Centre. This online tool is meant to help researchers in the UK complete the requirement for their grant proposals. On this side of the Atlantic, the California Digital Library in collaboration with several other institutions such as the Smithsonian, UC San Diego, or University of Virginia Libraries are in the testing phase of a Data Management Plan Online tool for researchers. More information and the complete list of partners can be found at:

The main goal of this tool is to provide a general framework for researchers to complete all the necessary 5 parts of the 2 page data management plan document. Of course, this tool is general as it aims to suit different needs and disciplines. Despite this, it will offer a good starting point. This is something to watch if you hare involved with data management plans. More updates to follow as the testing proceeds.